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Detailed Analysis of Current Sales Operation

  • Analysis of Sales Compensation plans versus industry averages
  • Salaries vs Commission / Bonus structure
  • Does the Business Plan align with the Comp plan?
  • Is Comp Plan designed to drive Professional Services (software/support)?
  • Revenues YTD versus Plan
  • YOY Revenue
  • Does the 80 / 20 rule apply?
  • Is there a sliding scale relative to hardware to increase revenues?
  • Is there a greater % of payouts for PS versus Hardware?
  • Are payouts based on revenue or margin?
  • Are payouts based on invoicing or date signed?
  • Payouts and percentages on Hardware vs Professional Services / Maintenance / Support
  • Are territories structured for maximum efficiency?
  • What training methods are in place for new hires?
  • Is current plan delivering desired results?
  • Recommended changes
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Detailed Analysis of Effectiveness of Current Sales Team

  • CRM application in place and being used?
  • What metrics/reports are available?
  • Understanding ratios (Calls per Oppty / Calls per Proposal)
  • Identifying Deficiencies / Areas of Opportunity:
  • Product Knowledge
  • Proficiency in Vertical Markets
  • Activity (calls per week/ratio of current customer calls to Net New calls)
  • Time Management
  • Organization skills
  • Account Research / Leveraging Social Media
  • Introduction / Elevator Speech
  • Proficiency Relative to Discovery Calls
  • Proposal crafting / ROI – based
  • Presentation skills
  • Level of comfort in the PS space
  • Objection handling
  • Closing skills
  • Forecast accuracy
  • Trending (MOM / YOY)
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Motivational Speaking Engagement (on-site)

  • “Start with WHY” / People care more about your “Why” versus your “What”
  • What is your motivation or purpose in life?
  • Can you fulfill in your current role?
  • Are you hardwired to excel in the Sales arena?
  • What is your Goal? Is it SMART?
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time Sensitive
  • Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
  • Pushing through roadblocks
  • Getting comfortable in the Service / Software / Solutions pace
  • Why Me / Why my company / Why Now
  • Mediocrity is a great exit strategy
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1:1 Coaching / Reviews with Sales Management / Single Engagement or Ongoing at Regular Intervals

  • Coaching (Sales Leaders / Managers)
  • Developing Minimum Standards
  • Activity (calls per week)
  • Current customers versus ZBA ratios
  • Ratio of Calls / Oppty & Calls / Quote
  • Proposal Templates
  • Presentations
  • Setting Expectations
  • Determining Individual Needs
  • Recruiting Quality Talent
  • Mentorships for New Hires
  • Prep for Monthly RAP sessions
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of each rep
  • Developing Metrics
  • Leveraging CRM reports/data
  • Leveraging Alliance Partners
  • Personal Goals versus achievement
  • Holding reps accountable
  • Weekly Team meeting prep
  • Effective Role Playing
  • Leading by example
  • Ride days in the field
  • Frequency (suggest Quarterly)
  • On-site/Off-site
  • Contract Terms-(Quarterly-to-Quarterly  / # of years)
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1:1 Coaching / Reviews with Individual Sales Reps / Single Engagement or Ongoing at Regular Intervals

  • Coaching / Review (Sales Team)
  • Activity
  • Performance (Results)
  • Trends (performance over time)
  • Ratio of Calls / Oppty & Calls / Quote
  • Pipeline Health
  • Forecast Accuracy
  • Introduction / Elevator Speech
  • Establishing credibility/rapport
  • Why the need to be proficient in the PS space
  • Keeping it Simple
  • Crafting proposals/presentations
  • Proper positioning
  • Pencil selling
  • Getting inside the numbers
  • Leveraging Data Analytics
  • Leveraging LinkedIn / Sales Navigator / Social Media Platforms
  • Focus on ROI
  • Leasing versus purchasing
  • Creativity
  • Presentation skills
  • Benefits versus features
  • Handling Objections
  • Closing skills
  • Frequency (suggest monthly)
  • On-site/Off-site
  • Contract Terms-(Monthly-to-Month / Six months / # of years)
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